Sunday, January 17, 2010

Loading Up and Sailing South

This morning I was up at 0000 to start our special evolution of taking on several marine craft and landing supplies with helicopters at 0200. I stood watch all morning, and by 0900, we were ready to head south at full speed to provide relief in Haiti. The amount of aid and planning being put together is awe inspiring. After more than a year of training and maintenance, it feels good to finally set sail on a real mission. I have high hopes for this trip. I volunteered my EMT skills should they be needed, but I have a feeling the captain will want me to navigate and protect the ship instead. As auxiliaries officer, I have several major responsibilities. I am responsible for air conditioning as temperatures soar quickly as we sail south. Just this morning I had to take down 2 of my 5 air conditioning units because I got holes in my sea water supply piping system. Additionally, I am responsible for providing potable water and laundry machines to several hundred sailors and marines so they can support missions in Haiti. Right now we have the capability of producing 35k gallons of fresh water a day, but we are still planning how to distribute that water in Haiti. It is exciting collaborating with so many different people to plan a relief effort for Haiti.


  1. We're proud to see you're part of the relief efforts. Do a great job for all of us and give details as soon as you can.

    How do I sign-up for this blog-post?

  2. Oh, I figured it out. I'm spidey.

  3. If the air conditioning breaks, let them eat ice cream. You keep those machines working, don't you?

  4. Thanks for writing these blog posts. One of the things I miss about the Marines is how often I was able to feel like I was participating in something much bigger than myself. So don't let these moments pass by too quickly!
