Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Serving the Sailors-13 FEB 2010

This morning I stood the 02-07 watch, and then we had departmental quarters. I got a Navy Achievement Medal for all of my hard work during INSURV. It doesn’t make much difference now, but it feels good to be recognized and know that my command at least appreciates my efforts a little bit. Especially after all the hard work I put into that inspection. I was also glad that my division finally got the rewards they deserved. I did a couple spot checks with my division and then went to SWO engineering lecture in the afternoon. We discussed all the engineering casualties. I used to have them all memorized back when I went to the diesel engineering school, but now I have forgotten many of them. I am really going to have to study if I want to get an EOOW letter on this ship. After the training, I went for a run and then we had Khaki Pizza Night. I bussed the tables on the mess decks. It felt good to serve the sailors for once. The marines were very confused that we had a night where the officers cook, serve and do the dishes. Some of them didn’t feel right letting an officer bus their trays, but I think most people appreciated it. After dinner, I watched the movie Just Like Heaven, which was a relaxing chick flick.

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