Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine’s Day, and our first time shift. I stood the 22-02 watch last night,and at 0200, we shifted forward to 0300. I slept in until 0830 and then woke up and gave my division 2 bags of chocolate for Valentine’s Day. I went to church this morning, and then I went to brunch. This morning at church we watched a short film entitled “The Flame”. This film discussed 3 different types of love-friendship, commitment (action), and sexual. It talked about how all three loves can come together to be stronger and more meaningful. Relationships are more meaningful when you have all 3 loves together. It gives your relationship a deeper emotional, mental and spiritual connection. I think that many people miss out on true love because they don’t have all these elements. They only have 1. It is important to develop all three types of love, and in that order to the deepest possible spiritual relationship and truly become 1. I don’t like to think that sailors are having sex on deployment, but I know they are because unfortunately, I sometimes run into the evidence in out of the way spaces. I think it is a shame because they are missing out on all that true love has to offer by only exploring the physical aspect of love and not the other two.
At brunch, I had bagels and then tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. It was really good and relaxing. After lunch, I delivered Valentine’s to all the female officers on the ship and then I relaxed and took a nap. Someone taped a box of chocolates to my door with no To or From on it, and my roommates and I cannot figure out who it was--it’s a fun mystery, but I can almost guarantee you it was not a male. I have the 17-22 watch this evening. I am glad this ship embraces “Holiday Routine”. Sometimes you just need a day off to catch up on sleep and rejuvenate yourself.

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